Senior Software Engineer vs Jr Software Engineer

Steve Carter
3 min readSep 20, 2021


photo credit: Lagos Techie

Two things separate a Jr software engineer and a senior software engineer. One being experience, and the other is being a master googler. A senior engineer perfected the sweet art of searching google. Software Engineers are professional google searchers, at least that’s what I’ve been told. It seems pretty accurate to me, Googling things is a valuable skill, so let’s get you up to speed to google like a senior software engineer.

  1. Use quotes for an exact match.

“What is React”

2. Use the AND operator to return only results related to both terms.

React AND Redux

3. Use the `before` operator to return only results before a given date.

React before:2019

4. Use the `after` operator to return only results after a given date.

React after:2019

5. Use the OR operator to get the results related to one of the search terms.

React OR Ruby on Rails courses

6. Use - operator to exclude results that contains a term or phrase.

javascript -css

7. To Search inside a single website.

8. To find a specific file type.

filetype:pdf learn react

9. To search a range of numbers.

React 2020..2021

10. Use the (*) wildcards as placeholders, which will be replaced by any word or phrase.

“How to build a react *”

There you have it, Now you can google like an elite Software Engineer.



Steve Carter
Steve Carter

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